The Centre on Barton – a large multi-purpose outdoor shopping complex – already had its art direction and requirements in place for a website renovation, but were in need of some development help. So in collaboration with we established the use case – needs of its users – based on previous website history as well as some modern quantifiable metrics and set out to simplify the overall look and functionality of the new website.
More functions, less clicks. Think mobile.
The key focus and element being the sitemap, we opted for a plugin type solution that used javascript to provide parent sibling search and filter functionality while simultaneously zooming in to the store locations within the complex. Fully categorized and alphanumeric lists were also added as a secondary / backup use for those preferring to source details in that fashion. Multiple ways to answer the same questions or the best of both worlds when it comes to lookup. Mirroring what shoppers are accustomed to (think mall directory) is never a bad thing.
Each store had is its own page for description and contact info while a fully filterable logo based grid was implemented for quick and easy scrollable access. So logos were resized, 80 plus stores and their details imported, an existing sitemap updated, and with the customized directory map in place The Centre on Barton had a fully functionally, quick click access to all of its stores and services.
ClientCentre on Barton | TriovestServicesWEB DEVELOPMENT
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